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💾 Database Adapters

Database adapters provide persistent storage capabilities for ElizaOS agents. They handle memory storage, relationship tracking, and knowledge management across different database backends.


Database adapters implement the IDatabaseAdapter interface to provide consistent data access across different storage solutions. Each adapter optimizes for specific use cases:

AdapterBest ForKey Features
MongoDBProduction deploymentsSharding, vector search, real-time participant management
PostgreSQLEnterprise & vector searchDynamic vector dimensions, fuzzy matching, comprehensive logging
SQLiteDevelopment & embeddedLightweight, file-based, vector BLOB support
SupabaseCloud-hosted vector DBMultiple embedding sizes, real-time subscriptions, row-level security
PGLiteBrowser environmentsLightweight PostgreSQL implementation, HNSW indexing
QdrantVector-focused deploymentsOptimized for RAG applications, sophisticated preprocessing
SQL.jsBrowser environmentsFull SQLite functionality in browser, complex queries

Core Functionality

All adapters extend the DatabaseAdapter base class and implement the IDatabaseAdapter interface. Here's a comprehensive overview of available methods:

Database Lifecycle
init()Initialize database connection-
close()Close database connection-
Memory Management
createMemory()Store new memorymemory: Memory, tableName: string, unique?: boolean
getMemoryById()Retrieve specific memoryid: UUID
getMemories()Get memories matching criteria{ roomId: UUID, count?: number, unique?: boolean, tableName: string, agentId: UUID, start?: number, end?: number }
getMemoriesByIds()Get multiple memories by IDsmemoryIds: UUID[], tableName?: string
getMemoriesByRoomIds()Get memories from multiple rooms{ agentId: UUID, roomIds: UUID[], tableName: string, limit?: number }
searchMemories()Search with vector similarity{ tableName: string, agentId: UUID, roomId: UUID, embedding: number[], match_threshold: number, match_count: number, unique: boolean }
searchMemoriesByEmbedding()Search memories by embedding vectorembedding: number[], { match_threshold?: number, count?: number, roomId?: UUID, agentId?: UUID, unique?: boolean, tableName: string }
removeMemory()Remove specific memorymemoryId: UUID, tableName: string
removeAllMemories()Remove all memories in roomroomId: UUID, tableName: string
countMemories()Count memories in roomroomId: UUID, unique?: boolean, tableName?: string
Knowledge Management
createKnowledge()Store new knowledge itemknowledge: RAGKnowledgeItem
getKnowledge()Retrieve knowledge{ id?: UUID, agentId: UUID, limit?: number, query?: string, conversationContext?: string }
searchKnowledge()Semantic knowledge search{ agentId: UUID, embedding: Float32Array, match_threshold: number, match_count: number, searchText?: string }
removeKnowledge()Remove knowledge itemid: UUID
clearKnowledge()Remove all knowledgeagentId: UUID, shared?: boolean
Room & Participants
createRoom()Create new conversation roomroomId?: UUID
getRoom()Get room by IDroomId: UUID
removeRoom()Remove roomroomId: UUID
addParticipant()Add user to roomuserId: UUID, roomId: UUID
removeParticipant()Remove user from roomuserId: UUID, roomId: UUID
getParticipantsForRoom()List room participantsroomId: UUID
getParticipantsForAccount()Get user's room participationsuserId: UUID
getRoomsForParticipant()Get rooms for useruserId: UUID
getRoomsForParticipants()Get shared rooms for usersuserIds: UUID[]
getParticipantUserState()Get participant's stateroomId: UUID, userId: UUID
setParticipantUserState()Update participant state`roomId: UUID, userId: UUID, state: "FOLLOWED"
Account Management
createAccount()Create new user accountaccount: Account
getAccountById()Retrieve user accountuserId: UUID
getActorDetails()Get actor information{ roomId: UUID }
createRelationship()Create user connection{ userA: UUID, userB: UUID }
getRelationship()Get relationship details{ userA: UUID, userB: UUID }
getRelationships()Get all relationships{ userId: UUID }
createGoal()Create new goalgoal: Goal
updateGoal()Update goalgoal: Goal
updateGoalStatus()Update goal status{ goalId: UUID, status: GoalStatus }
getGoals()Get goals matching criteria{ agentId: UUID, roomId: UUID, userId?: UUID, onlyInProgress?: boolean, count?: number }
removeGoal()Remove specific goalgoalId: UUID
removeAllGoals()Remove all goals in roomroomId: UUID
Caching & Embedding
getCachedEmbeddings()Retrieve cached embeddings{ query_table_name: string, query_threshold: number, query_input: string, query_field_name: string, query_field_sub_name: string, query_match_count: number }
log()Log event or action{ body: { [key: string]: unknown }, userId: UUID, roomId: UUID, type: string }

Implementation Notes

Each adapter optimizes these methods for their specific database backend:

  • MongoDB: Uses aggregation pipelines for vector operations
  • PostgreSQL: Leverages pgvector extension
  • SQLite: Implements BLOB storage for vectors
  • Qdrant: Optimizes with HNSW indexing
  • Supabase: Adds real-time capabilities

Note: For detailed implementation examples, see each adapter's source repository (

All adapters provide:

interface IDatabaseAdapter {
// Memory Management
createMemory(memory: Memory, tableName: string): Promise<void>;
getMemories(params: { roomId: UUID; count?: number }): Promise<Memory[]>;
searchMemories(params: SearchParams): Promise<Memory[]>;
removeMemory(memoryId: UUID): Promise<void>;

// Account & Room Management
createAccount(account: Account): Promise<boolean>;
getAccountById(userId: UUID): Promise<Account>;
createRoom(roomId?: UUID): Promise<UUID>;
getRoom(roomId: UUID): Promise<UUID>;

// Participant Management
addParticipant(userId: UUID, roomId: UUID): Promise<boolean>;
getParticipantsForRoom(roomId: UUID): Promise<UUID[]>;

// Knowledge Management
createKnowledge(knowledge: RAGKnowledgeItem): Promise<void>;
searchKnowledge(params: SearchParams): Promise<RAGKnowledgeItem[]>;

// Goal Management
createGoal(goal: Goal): Promise<void>;
updateGoalStatus(params: { goalId: UUID; status: GoalStatus }): Promise<void>;
Relationship Management
interface IDatabaseAdapter {
// Room Management
createRoom(roomId?: UUID): Promise<UUID>;
getRoom(roomId: UUID): Promise<UUID | null>;
getRoomsForParticipant(userId: UUID): Promise<UUID[]>;

// Participant Management
addParticipant(userId: UUID, roomId: UUID): Promise<boolean>;
getParticipantsForRoom(roomId: UUID): Promise<UUID[]>;
getParticipantUserState(roomId: UUID, userId: UUID): Promise<"FOLLOWED" | "MUTED" | null>;

// Relationship Tracking
createRelationship(params: { userA: UUID; userB: UUID }): Promise<boolean>;
getRelationship(params: { userA: UUID; userB: UUID }): Promise<Relationship | null>;
Cache & Goal Management
interface IDatabaseCacheAdapter {
getCache(params: {
agentId: UUID;
key: string;
}): Promise<string | undefined>;

setCache(params: {
agentId: UUID;
key: string;
value: string;
}): Promise<boolean>;

interface IDatabaseAdapter {
// Goal Management
createGoal(goal: Goal): Promise<void>;
updateGoal(goal: Goal): Promise<void>;
getGoals(params: {
agentId: UUID;
roomId: UUID;
userId?: UUID | null;
onlyInProgress?: boolean;
count?: number;
}): Promise<Goal[]>;

Adapter Implementations

Quick Start

// MongoDB
import { MongoDBAdapter } from '@elizaos/adapter-mongodb';
const mongoAdapter = new MongoDBAdapter({
uri: process.env.MONGODB_URI,
dbName: process.env.MONGODB_DB_NAME

// PostgreSQL
import { PostgresAdapter } from '@elizaos/adapter-postgres';
const pgAdapter = new PostgresAdapter({
connectionString: process.env.POSTGRES_URI

// SQLite
import { SqliteDatabaseAdapter } from '@elizaos/adapter-sqlite';
const sqliteAdapter = new SqliteDatabaseAdapter('path/to/database.db');

// Supabase
import { SupabaseAdapter } from '@elizaos/adapter-supabase';
const supabaseAdapter = new SupabaseAdapter({
url: process.env.SUPABASE_URL,
apiKey: process.env.SUPABASE_API_KEY

Adapter Comparison

Best ForProduction deploymentsEnterprise & vector searchDevelopment & embeddedCloud-hosted vector DB
Vector SupportNative shardingMultiple dimensions (384d-1536d)BLOB storageMulti-dimension tables
Key FeaturesAuto-sharding, Real-time tracking, Auto-reconnectionFuzzy matching, UUID keys, Comprehensive loggingJSON validation, FK constraints, Built-in cachingReal-time subs, Row-level security, Type-safe queries
Setup RequirementsNonepgvector extensionNoneNone
Collections/Tablesrooms, participants, accounts, memories, knowledgeSame as MongoDB + vector extensionsSame as MongoDB + metadata JSONSame as PostgreSQL + dimension-specific tables

Implementation Details

PostgreSQL Requirements


SQLite Schema

CREATE TABLE memories (
type TEXT,
content TEXT,
embedding BLOB,
userId TEXT FK,
roomId TEXT FK,
agentId TEXT FK

CREATE TABLE knowledge (
content TEXT NOT NULL,
embedding BLOB,
metadata JSON

Supabase Vector Tables

CREATE TABLE memories_1536 (id UUID PRIMARY KEY, embedding vector(1536));
CREATE TABLE memories_1024 (id UUID PRIMARY KEY, embedding vector(1024));

Embedding Support

AdapterSupported Dimensions
MongoDBAll (as arrays)
PostgreSQLOpenAI (1536d), Ollama (1024d), GAIANET (768d), BGE (384d)
SQLiteAll (as BLOB)
SupabaseConfigurable (384d-1536d)

Source code: elizaos-plugins

Transaction & Error Handling

All adapters extend the DatabaseAdapter base class which provides built-in transaction support and error handling through the CircuitBreaker pattern. See database.ts for implementation details, as well as the PostgreSQL Adapter Implementation or SQLite Adapter Implementation for detailed examples.

// Transaction handling
const result = await adapter.withTransaction(async (client) => {
await client.query("BEGIN");
// Perform multiple operations
await client.query("COMMIT");
return result;

// Error handling with circuit breaker
protected async withCircuitBreaker<T>(
operation: () => Promise<T>,
context: string
): Promise<T> {
try {
return await this.circuitBreaker.execute(operation);
} catch (error) {
// Circuit breaker prevents cascading failures
elizaLogger.error(`Circuit breaker error in ${context}:`, error);
throw error;

Implemented features include:

  • Automatic rollback on errors
  • Circuit breaker pattern to prevent cascading failures (source)
  • Connection pool management
  • Error type classification


How do I choose the right adapter?

Select based on your deployment needs. Use MongoDB/PostgreSQL for production, SQLite for development, SQL.js/PGLite for browser environments, and Qdrant/Supabase for vector-focused applications.

Can I switch adapters later?

Yes, all adapters implement the IDatabaseAdapter interface. Data migration between adapters is possible but requires additional steps.

How are vector embeddings handled?

Each adapter implements vector storage based on its native capabilities - PostgreSQL/Supabase use native vector types, MongoDB uses array fields with indexes, SQLite uses BLOB storage, and Qdrant uses optimized vector stores.

What about data migration?

Use the adapter's export/import methods defined in the DatabaseAdapter base class.

How do I handle schema updates?

Run migrations using the adapter-specific CLI tools. Each adapter provides its own migration system - check the adapter's README in the elizaos-plugins repository.

How do I fix database connection issues?

Check your connection string format, verify the database exists and is accessible, ensure proper adapter configuration, and consider using environment variables for credentials.

How do I resolve embedding dimension mismatch errors?

Set USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING=TRUE in your .env file. Different models use different vector dimensions (e.g., OpenAI uses 1536, some local models use 384). Clear your database when switching embedding models.

How do I clear/reset my database?

Delete the db.sqlite file in your data directory and restart the agent. For production databases, use proper database management tools for cleanup.

Which database should I use in production?

PostgreSQL with vector extensions is recommended for production deployments. SQLite works well for development but may not scale as effectively for production loads.

How do I migrate between different database adapters?

Use the export/import methods provided by the DatabaseAdapter base class. Each adapter implements these methods for data migration, though you may need to handle schema differences manually.

Further Reading